sunset: nightfall

Difficulty: easy

Posted by Admin on December 12, 2019

CTF link

Good afternoon today I will walkthrough sunset: nightfall machine.


First, scan the network and find ip.

arp-scan -l

After going to the server web page I find the apache2 empty.


With enum4linux I find the user matt and with hydra I get the password for ftp authorization.

hydra -l matt -P /root/rockyou.txt

When I go to ftp I see the home directory, in order to gain access via ssh I create an authorized_keys file and drop it by ftp to the .ssh directory.

cat ~/Nightfall/ > authorized_keys
put authorized_keys

Now I connect via ssh and get the user


Using the LinEnum script, I find a file that can be used to escalate privileges to the nightfall user whom I found in /home directory.

After that I get nighfall user rights and user flag.

To get full nightfall user rights i use authorized_keys again.

cp /home/matt/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/nightfall/.ssh/authorized_keys

And connect via ssh


Further I see that the nightfall user can run cat as root.

sudo -l

Using cat, I look at the contents of the /etc/shadow file that can be passed to John for decryption.

john shadow

After decrypting the password, I use su and get root.
